Mama Flamingo
I remember learning about Flamingos losing their pink color when they have a baby because they give their baby a “crop milk” which contains so much of the cartenoid pigment from their food (the source of their own pink color) that their colors drains to a dull gray. Honestly, it didn’t faze me because I wasn’t a mom yet and just took it as a fun animal fact. Now as a mom of an 18 month old, this fact now hits hard. Especially since I still don’t feel like myself. I had a wonderful conversation this week with other moms who feel like I do…not understanding when we will feel like ourselves again. It’s been 18 months! Isn’t it time for us to get our pink back? I was told to give myself grace, be in the moment and just breathe. I will get my pink back in due time. In this moment I’m a Mama and what a blessing that is. ❤️ If you are feeling lost too, know you are not alone…I look forward to seeing all my Mamas pink again soon but until then I’m giving you a big hug and myself a big hug. 🦩